About me

Hello my name is Dawson, age 22. This is the first time I made a website, I mess with all sorts of programming languages in my free time. I am self taught, using youtube and google as my teacher, though I do plan to go to college to study computer science. My dream is to become a pentester. The language I'm most familiar with is Python, but I can adapt fairly quickly with whatever project I work with. If you want to contact me via discord my username is morty666.

Skill Set


I've used Python quite a bit so far, and I've been loving it. I use it to make malware, discord bots, custom notepad, anything! It's what started my programming journey, I've touched a little bit of Javascript, C, C++, but I'm most experienced with Python.

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Challenges/Problem solving

I like a good challenge, finding problems, learning from them. Playing HackTheBox and TryHackMe has taught me so much about pentesting, linux/window systems. Working with others on projects helped me with readability/optimizations with my code.

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I'm all about learning, I love it. The ability to learn quickly and have fun with it is the most important thing within the tech industry. If you make a project in a language I don't know very well, no worries. My brain is a sponge, I will dedicate a lot of my free time to learn it.

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Contact Me!


Discord morty666